

Lending collections

- full-time and part-time students, administrative staff - 16 books
- doctoral students - 18
- research and teaching employees - 25
- postgraduate students - 8
- retired university employees - 5
- persons outside the university - 10 books (for use on-site)

No. Part of the collection is made available only on-site:
- In the Free Access Area, materials that can only be used on the library premises are marked with a red dot placed on the spine of the book.
- Materials that are ordered from the storage using the Integro library catalog, which cannot be borrowed, include the information "Documents intended for on-site access" above the list of available copies.

- standard for 6 weeks
- short-term rentals for 7 days
- overnight rentals

Yes, the reader can renew the books borrowed from the warehouse three times independently through the Integro catalog or through the lending library, if the books are not reserved by another reader, the return deadline for any of the borrowed books has not expired, the reader's account is not blocked.

Yes, you can renew the books from the storage. After logging in to your library account, you can extend the time for returning a book yourself, provided that the deadline has not been exceeded and the item is not reserved by another reader.

The most common reason for blocking an account is a missed deadline for returning a book or unpaid fees. The account is also automatically blocked when it expires.

The reader's account is blocked. It is then impossible to renew books on your own.

The fee is PLN 0.20/day for holding a book. For short-term loans: 1 zloty/day of delay.

All payments are made by online transfer to account 88 1160 2202 0000 0000 6021 8954.
More information
BANK ACCOUNT for payments due to the University Library
Bank account number:
University of Zielona Góra, 65-417 Zielona Góra, 9 Licealna St.
Bank Millennium S.A.
88 1160 2202 0000 0000 6021 8954
In the title of the payment, please write:
name, for untimely return of books, with a note!!!
After making the transfer, please present the proof of payment at the lending library or
send the payment confirmation to the e-mail address:

Books should be returned to the UZ Library's Lending Library: at the librarians' desks or using self-service devices.

The book is most likely borrowed by another reader. If you want to order it first when it becomes available, use the Reserve option.

No. When the book is available, you will receive an email message asking you to confirm your order. Confirm the order by selecting Ordered Documents/Pre-Send Order: send order in the Integro catalog.

Such materials should be used on-site, on the premises of the UZ Library; in the case of stock collections, they must first be ordered through the library catalog. On each floor of the library, you can use a free scanner and copy sections of the materials you need yourself.
You can also use the option: Ordering electronic copies and place an order to make electronic copies of the necessary excerpts from a book or magazine by selecting the appropriate order form.

The book, waits to be picked up for 7 days. After this period, if the book is not borrowed, the order is cancelled.

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18